Bladderwrack & Burdock Root Sea Moss Gel, Organic- Wild Crafted

Regular price $15.00

Amazing SeaMoss Gel with ADDED HERBS!
Take your Health to the Next Level!
Freshly made to order.
To Start, SeaMoss is cleaned 5x in clean filtered water, Soaked in Kangen Alkaline water & doTERRA Lime Essential oil and blended into the perfect thick apple sauce texture.
Then, Bladderack Powder and BurdockRoot powder (optional) are added for maxium benefits!!

*Inspired by Dr Sebi's Alkaline mineral food*
RESTORE your body with 102 minreals in Sea Moss, Complete your 102 Mineral intake by adding Bladderwrack! Add Burdock Root to DETOX TOXINS simultaneously! (Burdock root is not Safe for Pregnant/Breatfeeding Moms)

(Burdock Root is Not Safe for Preg/Bf Moms)
Compared to the plain Seamoss Gel, The flavor is very seaweedy! Perfect for adding to cooked food dishes, soups or hiding in smoothies.

Sea Moss gel is FROZEN with a squeeze pack. NO LONGER SHIPPED IN GLASS
Refridgerate immediately upon recieving.